
indian ceo

  Top Indian CEOs Now here is the details of all ceos along with their salaries :  SUNDER PICHAI C0MPANY : google and alphabet SALARY: $226 Million (Eighteen billion five hundred eighty-nine million six hundred ninety-seven thousand eight hundred ) according data of 2022 Sundar Pichai, in full Pichai Sundararajan, (born June 10, 1972, Madras [now Chennai], Tamil Nadu, India), Indian-born American executive who was CEO of both Google, Inc. (2015– ), and its holding company, Alphabet Inc. SATYA NADELA COMAPANY : MICROSOFT SALARY : $49.9 Million ( 4,09,13,25,950.0 0 ) according to data of 2021 Satya Nadella, in full Satya Narayana Nadella, (born August 19, 1967, Hyderabad, India), Indian-born business executive who was CEO of the computer software company Microsoft (2014– ). Nadella grew up in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad and studied electrical engineering at Mangalore University (B.Sc., 1988). SHANATANU NARAYEN COMAPANY : ADOBE INC. SALARY : $36.1 million(2959860000.00 rupees) a

मुस्कान अग्रवाल को मिला रिकॉर्ड 60 लाख का सैलरी पैकेज, IIT और NIT नहीं, इस IIIT कॉलेज से किया है बीटेक

  IIIT Highest Salary Package : अक्‍सर अच्छे सैलरी पैकेज का जिक्र होता है तो बात आईआईटी या एनआईटी पर खत्म होती है. लेकिन ट्रिपल आईटी में भी स्टूडेंट्स को शानदार पैकज पर जॉब ऑफर हो रही हैं. ट्रिपल आईटी ऊना की स्टूडेंट मुस्कान अग्रवाल को रिकॉर्ड सैलरी पैकेज ऑफर हुआ है. इसे ट्रिपल आईटी के इतिहास का सबसे बड़ा पैकेज बताया जा रहा है. मुस्‍कान अग्रवाल को 60 लाख का सैलरी पैकेज ऑफर किया गया है. IIIT Highest Salary Package : इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेजों में प्रवेश का दौर चल रहा है. इंजीनियरिंग में ग्रेजुएशन करने के इच्छुक स्टूडेंट्स आईआईटी में प्रवेश का सपना देखते हैं. लेकिन प्रवेश न मिल पाने से निराश हो जाते हैं. लेकिन इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ इन्फॉर्मेशन टेक्नोलॉजी (IIIT) ने पढ़ाई करने वाली एक स्टूडेंट को एक नामी कंपनी ने 60 लाख सालाना पैकेज की जॉब ऑफर की है. इसे ट्रिपल आईटी के इतिहास सबसे बड़ा पैकेज बताया जा रहा है. मुस्कान अग्रावाल ने ट्रिपल आईटी ऊना से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स एंड कम्युनिकेशन इंजीनियरिंग कम्प्लीट किया है. 86 फीसदी स्टूडेंट्स का प्लेसमेंट :  पिछले साल ट्रिपल आईटी ऊना के ही एक स्टूडेंट को 47 लाख का

salary in google india (Leaked data )

  Google is said to be paying a high amount of salary to employees and it is usually regarded as one of the top paying tech companies. Recently leaked internal data from Google , reviewed by Business Insider, sheds light on the impressive compensation packages their employees received in 2022. The median total compensation for Google employees that year reached $2,79,802 (Rs 2.30 crore). According to the report, Googe employees' earnings go beyond base salaries and include options and bonuses. The maximum equity a software engineer could obtain was $1.5 million in 2022. As far as where Google's 2022 salary stacks up against other tech giants, the median base pay trails behind Meta (Rs 24284164.80 ) but is well above Salesforce (Rs 16319201.32) and Adobe (Rs 13987570.75), according to data collected by MyLogIQ and analyzed by The Wall Street Journal. The information comes from an internal spreadsheet shared between Google employees and consists of data from more than 12,000 U.S

IIT Delhi and it's highest package

  Exploring Excellence The heritage of IIT Delhi :    India, a land known for its diversity and rich artistic heritage, has also made significant strides in the realm of education and technology. At the  van of this educational  metamorphosis stands the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Delhi( IIT Delhi), a  stronghold of  literacy that has been necessary in shaping the nation's technological prowess. With its  outstanding history, exceptional faculty,  slice- edge  exploration, and outstanding alumni, IIT Delhi continues to be a  lamp of excellence.    A trip through Time The Founding of IIT Delhi    Established in 1961, IIT Delhi was one of the first IITs to be established in India, under the guidance of the first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The institute was  innovated with the vision of nurturing talented minds and fostering a spirit of  invention to contribute to the nation's growth. Located in the heart of Delhi, the lot was designed to  give a condu


Dropper Module of Physics Wallah: Empowering Students for IIT JEE Preparation ( Dropper module available ) Education is the foundation upon which future success is built, and in the competitive world we live in, strong academic prowess is essential. For Indian students aspiring to excel in the field of engineering, the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) stand as the pinnacle of success. To conquer the IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) and secure a seat in these prestigious institutions, students often seek guidance from coaching centers. Among these, Physics Wallah's Dropper Module has emerged as a revolutionary program, reshaping the way students approach JEE preparation. The Genesis of Physics Wallah : Physics Wallah is the brainchild of renowned educator, Alakh Pandey, whose unwavering passion for teaching and commitment to making quality education accessible to all has earned him the moniker "Physics Wallah." Alakh Pandey started his journey as a YouTuber, crea

Is PW module is sufficient for jee/Neet preparation

  Before going to module, dear students you have to know that ; is Physics wallah module is sufficient for jee preparation or we are just following the internet myth. Here is conclusion ;  Password of pdf if required :  respectmax+ Unlocking the Universe with Physics Wallah Modules In the vast and mysterious realm of physics, there exists an extraordinary educational resource that has captured the hearts and minds of countless students around the world - the Physics Wallah Modules. Founded by the charismatic educator Alakh Pandey, commonly known as the "Physics Wallah," this platform has redefined the way physics is taught and learned. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating world of Physics Wallah Modules and discover how they have become a beacon of enlightenment for students aspiring to master the intricacies of physics. Meet the Physics Wallah - Alakh Pandey Alakh Pandey, a visionary educator and a self-made sensation, rose to fame through his passion for physics a

Past year Advanced questions answers

Past year Advanced questions answers  Year 2022 :  Paper 1 :  Past year Advanced 2022 Paper 2 :  Past year Advanced 2022 (2) Year 2021 :  Paper 1 :  Past year Advanced 2021 Paper  2 :  Past year Advanced 2021 (2)